Here was the News 1960 Part 2 (DVD)


Receiving strong critical acclaim at the time of broadcast, ‘Anglia at War’ remains a television classic; the story of how ordinary people lived through an extraordinary time.


In the summer of 1960, Anglia TV was in its first year of broadcasting the news. Away from the county shows and crowded beaches, life across the region was changing. From the end of steam to the arrival of the Go- Kart, the news included: Speedway at Wembley and motor racing at Snetterton, David Dimbleby in Lavenham and David Frost at Norwich, Closure of the M&GN Railway, Harwich, Lowestoft, Felixstowe and the Cromer Carnival. See the hot topics of the hour why were the trains not running on time? Should drinking laws be changed? Was it a mistake to close Norwich Cattle market?

Featuring footage from the East Anglian Film Archive at the University of East Anglia.


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